All three (3) shortcodes have command-line equivalents. The syntax is a little different, but the options are the same. Commands can be used to run quick tests. Or they can be used, for instance, to pre-generate content by piping the outputs into files.
wp xslt transform_xml
--cache='{minutes, if xsl|xml={url}}'
--tidy='{yes|html}' or tidy or --tidy='xml'
--htmlentities='yes' or htmlentities
$ wp xslt transform_xml --xsl='sample-xsl' --xml='sample-xml' --testparam='HERE' > ./cli-outfile.txt
wp xslt select_xml
--cache='{minutes, if xml={url}}'
--tidy='{yes|html}' or tidy or --tidy='xml'
--strip-namespaces='yes' or strip-namespaces
--htmlentities='yes' or htmlentities
$ wp xslt select_xml --xml='sample-xml' --select='//list' > ./cli-outfile.txt
wp xslt select_csv
--cache='{minutes, if csv={url}}'
--key_row='{row number for column labels}'
--col='{return column number(s), letter(s), or label(s)}'
--key_col='{col number, letter, or label for key matching}'
--key='{value(s) for key_col matching}'
--row='{return row number(s)}'
--class='{css classname(s) for result <table>}'
--htmlentities='yes' or htmlentities
$ wp xslt select_csv --csv="case-study-gsheets/Sheet1.csv" --row="1" --key_row="1" --key_col="ID" --key="1004,1005"