extracts a width
x height
portion of the source image, starting at the given top
position. Values should be positive integers. At least one of the four (4) parameters is required. Setting top="0"
, for instance, is the same as omitting the attribute.
[img_crop output="{format}" top="{int}" left="{int}" width="{int}" height="{int}"]<source>[/img_crop]
[img_crop output="img" top="100" height="100"]atest.gif[/img_crop]
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/image-cache/1d2cf16c/atest_gif/crop_100_0_0_100.gif" width="172" height="100" alt="atest.gif" />
[img_crop output="img" top="50" left="50" width="100" height="100"]atest.gif[/img_crop]
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/image-cache/1d2cf16c/atest_gif/crop_50_50_100_100.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="atest.gif" />