
  • Shared Parameters – Input and output options for all IMG Processor shortcodes.
  • [img_process/]– Call any IMG Processor shortcode, specified in transform.
  • [img_info/]– Get info for a source image.
  • [img_fit/] – Resize an image to fit within the specified width and/or height.
  • [img_fill/] – Resize and crop an image to cover the specified width and height.
  • [img_resize/] – Stretch an image to fit the specified width and height.
  • [img_crop/] – Extract a widthxheight portion of the image, starting from the top,left position.
  • [img_trim/] – Remove pixels from the top, left, bottom and right edges.
  • [img_border/] – Add pixels to the top, left, bottom and right edges.
  • [img_flip/] – Flip an image vertically or horizontally along the ‘x’ or ‘y’ axis.
  • [img_rotate/] – Rotate an image clockwise by degrees.
  • [img_scale/] – Scale an image by a percent.
  • [img_zoom/] – Scale an image by a percent, then focus on a widthxheight portion.